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Working as a destination makeup artist with clients from all over the world, one thing that they all have in common, is that they are coming from far away destinations.

The other thing they all share in common, sadly, is exhaustion! A poison when it comes to being present and fully enjoying your trip.

It is something you never consider when dreaming up all of your travel plans.

I see clients who are travelling mostly for luxury weddings, Paris Fashion Week, red carpet premieres, or photo shoots.

Regardless, it is something significant enough to put a lot of time, energy and money into.

My profession includes a lot of travel. 90% of my jobs are destination projects. On top of that I have two careers, as a professional dancer and a makeup artist.

When I got into the full swing of things, I realised that I cannot be my best without sleep and a healthy diet. Travel takes a big toll on your energy and it can be exhausting.

Here are the strategies that have helped me stay on top of my game and continue to love what I am doing.


This is a big one! 24 to 48 hours before my departure, I get myself on the time zone that I am travelling to.

How it works..

If I am in the US and I am going to Europe. I stay up all night before my trip to get my body adjusted to being awake during daytime hours in Europe. It's hard, but it makes a big difference.


On my flight, I only sleep when it is sleeping hours in my destination. This way my body continues to adjust to the time difference.


I have two secret weapons for jet lag. One is that I take benedryl to go to sleep and I use Beroca to have energy when I start my day. I take it a second time when I start to feel sleepy several hours before bed time.

In France we have a over the counter sleep aid called Dornamil. I prefer it over Benadryl as I find I wake up without any drowsiness.

Bercoca is full of vitamins and does have caffeine in it. You can also buy it over the counter in most pharmacy’s.

My other favourites are L-Tyrosine in the morning and 5htp at night before bed.


When I first moved to Paris and started getting destination jobs, I would end up completely exhausted and sick after travel.

After examining what the problems could be it was clear that the food I was eating was to blame. When travelling, it’s easy to pick up unhealthy processed snacks full of sugar.

Now, I bring my snacks, usually nuts, yogurt, corn cakes and berries. I also make sure I am ordering healthy food items consistently.

To say it’s made a significant difference is a understatement!

And of course.. It’s imperative to drink A LOT of water. It makes a huge difference. I love making a elixir with Celtic salt, lemon juice and ginger. It’s a natural and sugar free version of Gatorade.

I hope this helps :)


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